We are excited to announce its exclusive e-commerce partnership with NIKE, receiving authorization as one of the select few e-retailers permitted to distribute NIKE products. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for ASH, enabling the platform to showcase NIKE’s latest and most sought-after items directly to our customers.

Our partnership with NIKE is more than a retail agreement; it is a shared commitment to delivering performance and style to our customers,” said Alan Lin, Chairman of Emers Group. “We are honored to be a chosen destination for NIKE and are excited to provide our customers with exclusive access to NIKE’s most iconic products.”

With this partnership, ASH will feature personalized recommendations, real-time inventory, and seamless checkout experiences, ensuring an unparalleled shopping journey. Additionally, ASH is committed to staying on top of the newest trends and to showcase NIKE’s best product lines, enabling our customers to gain access to the best and newest choices.

The launch of NIKE products on the ASH platform is set for 10/01/2024. Customers are invited to follow ASH on social media and sign up for our newsletter for the latest updates.

ASH and NIKE are excited to unite in offering high-quality athletic products that elevate both performance and style.

我們很高興地宣布與 NIKE 建立獨家電子商務合作夥伴關係,並獲得授權,成為少數獲準進行 NIKE 產品的電子零售商之一。此次合作標誌著 ASH 的一個重要里程碑,使該平台能夠直接向我們的客戶展示 NIKE 最新、最受歡迎的單品。

我們與 NIKE 的合作關係不僅僅是一份零售協議; 艾盟仕集團董事長 Alan Lin 表示:“這是為客戶提供性能和風格的共同承諾。” “我們很榮幸成為 NIKE 選定的夥伴,並很高興為我們的客戶提供獨家購買 NIKE 最具標誌性產品的機會。”

透過此次合作,ASH 將提供個人化推薦、即時庫存和無縫結帳體驗,確保無與倫比的購物之旅。此外,ASH 致力於跟上最新趨勢並展示 NIKE 的最佳產品線,使我們的客戶能夠獲得最佳和最新的選擇。

NIKE 產品預定於 2024 年 10 月 1 日在 ASH 平台上發表。歡迎客戶在社交媒體上關注 ASH 並訂閱我們的電子報以獲取最新動態。

ASH 和 NIKE 很高興能夠攜手提供高品質的運動產品,提升性能和風格。


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ASH GOLF 2024 秋冬系列:演繹現代摩登結合卓越性能